NotePlus: An Elegant 2 Column Responsive Blogger Template (Free)

NotePlus Template is a completely free, fast loading blogger template build using Bootstrap. It features a 2 column layout with the sidebar on the right. The layout is fully responsive and will adjust perfectly on mobile devices and desktop PCs alike.

The theme comes with pre-installed related posts widget and a profile box. Irrespective of what niche you cover, this general purpose theme can be used on almost all topics.

noteplus responsive blogger template


Profile Box:

You can edit the Profile Box directly from the template. Simply search for <!-- Profile Box --> in your template and make changes to the text shown in blue below.

<!-- Profile Box -->
<div class='profile-box'>

<!-- Insert Link/URL of your Profile Pic -->
<img class='img-responsive pimg' src=''/>

<!-- Add Name Here -->
<h4>Wajahat Razzaq</h4>

<!-- A line About Yourself -->
<span>I cover news and reviews of the latest Hollywood action movies.</span>


Social Links:

To link to relevant social profiles, simply search for "<!-- Social Links -->" and make changes to the text shown in blue below.

<!-- Social Links -->

<div class='contact-box'>

<a href='!' target='_top'>
<i class='fa fa-envelope-o' rel='tooltip' title=''/>

<a href='' target='_blank'>
<i class='fa fa-twitter'/>

<a href='' target='_blank'>
<i class='fa fa-facebook'/>

<a href='' target='_blank'>
<i class='fa fa-google-plus'/>

<a href='' target='_blank'>
<i class='fa fa-youtube-play' rel='tooltip' title='YouTube'/>


Do let us know of any layout problems / anomalies that you may find in the template.

Please keep the footer links intact.

1 comment :

Reader's Comments

  1. Very nice templates dear. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep it up.
